Thursday, November 4, 2010

Suzy Poling

Alchemical Feedback
Alchemical Feedback is an exhibition of two different bodies of photographic works that compare and share the relationships of chemical reactions, spontaneity and permanence. One of the series of photographs is taken of geysers from Yellowstone National Park, where Earth's feedback is presented in one of its finest forms. The geysers are a magma phenomenon, which is made up of strange colors, bacteria mat and mysterious boiling pots of water and acid.
Poling contrasts the Geyser images with a project of experiments made with chemistry, oils, and decay and burned photographic film. This series called Ellipses is equally accidental and unexpected as the mysterious Geysers. These images contrast the human-made versus what is made by the Universe, as it describes what is found and what is made up. There is an arc between these two works as it bridges the need to comprehend our relationship with Astronomy exploration images and also how surreal the Earth can look. The work suggests a human's need to understand nature's unknowns as both projects embrace spontaneity and regeneration.

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