Friday, September 24, 2010

Carl Clark

From the Woman Series: Sunday Morning While Considering a Decisive Moment, 1991

 From the Woman Series: Sunday Morning While Considering Perserverance, 1991

Major Carlton L. "Carl" Clark is an internationally exhibited artist. Carl's medium is social documentary photography. He is also a freelance editorial photographer. Carl is multilingual and has traveled to Europe, Asia, South East Asia, Africa, Central America, and Canada. During the first of two tours of duty in Vietnam he converted to Buddhism. Buddhism, Roy DeCarava, world travels, African ancestors, fine art training, spirituality, women and two and a half years of combat influence his Art. Clark holds a B.A. degree in sociology from The University of Nebraska and a B.F.A. from Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, Maryland. His graduate level courses include; Education, Economics, International relations, Counseling Psychology, and Management principles

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